
2024 Fall AI Application Hackathon


Registration & Submission

Contact and Questions

For help with team projects and technical help, reach out on Teams.

For questions about the Hackathon rules, email us at or


Teams will participate in a Hackathon to advance an applied AI project of their choosing over the days of 10/7-10/20.

What is a Hackathon?

A Hackathon is a short period of intense and focused work to complete a project. The name is a portmanteau of “hack,” meaning to crudely shape or work, and “marathon,” a long race. The ambition of a hackathon is to put aside distractions and achieve something that might not otherwise be accomplished due to its ambitious nature or competing responsibilities. Hackathons have enabled many ideas to receive the attention they might not otherwise get.

Project Statement

Teams should agree on a problem they wish to solve and how they aim to solve it. The project statement should describe a modest problem that is achievable in a few days. Teams are not expected to complete every part of their problem statement, but in the spirit of a hackathon, they should make significant progress. Projects are not required to be technical; in fact, non-technical projects are encouraged. Solve a problem leveraging what AI can help you achieve beyond current capabilities.

Two members of Paul English’s team will be available to help guide and shape project statements into achievable goals.


Teams will submit their results in the form of a working demo and “slide-ware.” Slide-ware is when the idea is thoroughly explored and presented but not built, ideal for projects that involve more technical work than can realistically be accomplished in the allotted time. Working demos are any tools that are usable to show the function of the team’s project.

Team Size and Composition

Teams should consist of at least 2 and at most 8 members. We recommend teams around 6 or 7. Teams will often divide work into multiple skill sets, such as technical, design, communication, and business. While projects are not required to be technical, we encourage teams to seek out and include at least one technically experienced member to advise on state-of-the-art solutions.

Judgement Criteria


Each winning team will be awarded $1,000 and invited to present during the AI Symposium on October 30th.


Create an application that helps forecast UMB shuttle arrival times and how crowded it is.

AI Hackathon Kick-off Events

Kate Tyshchenko’s Hybrid Zoom Talk

Michael Burke’s Hybrid Zoom Talk

Kurt Klopmeier’s Hybrid Zoom Talk
